
11 julho 2006



ASSIS, Machado de - Relíquias de Casa Velha

BRADBURY, Ray - Fahrenheit 451

CAEIRO, Alberto - O Guardador de Rebanhos

CAMÕES, Luís de - Os Lusíadas

CARNEIRO, Mário de Sá - A Confissão de Lúcio

CASTELO BRANCO, Camilo - Amor de Perdição

DINIS, Júlio - As Púpilas do Senhor Reitor

GUIMARÃES, Bernardo - A Escrava Isaura

HUXLEY, Aldous - Admirável Mundo Novo

LEWIS, Carrol - Alice no País das Maravilhas [trad. brasileira]

MURRAY, Roseana - Babel, um conto de Natal
ilustrações de Edineusa Bezerril

NOBRE, António - Link de free ebook para download em muitos formatos

PATRÍCIO, António - D. João e a Máscara

QUEIRÓS, Eça de - A Ilustre Casa de Ramires

QUEIRÓS, Eça de; ORTIGÃO, R. - O Mistério da Estrada de Cintra

QUEIRÓS, Eça de - Os Maias

RIBEIRO, Bernardim - Hystoria de menina e moça

RIBEIRO, Carlos Medina - As Aventuras de Jeremias

VERNE, Júlio - A Volta ao Mundo em 80 Dias


Aberdeen Bestiary Project


ANONYMOUS – The Sherborne Missal

BEDE - Ecclesiastical History of England

BEDE - Ecclesiastical History of the English Nation

BONWICK, James - Irish Druids And Old Irish Religions

BULFINCH, Thomas - Bulfinch's Mythology

CAESAR, Julius - Caesar's Commentaries on the Gallic and Civil Wars: with the Supplementary Books attributed to Hirtius

CALVIN, William H. – How the Shaman Stole the Moon

CICERO - Select Orations

DETROYES, Chretien - Lancelot or, The Knight of the Cart

GRAVES, Tom – Needles of Stone

GREGORY, Lady Augusta – Gods and Fighting Men

HALL, Jennie – Viking Tales

KENNEDY, Patrick – Legendary Fictions of the Irish Celts

MACKENZIE, Donald A. – Teutonic Myth and Legend

MARKMAN, Roberta H.; MARKMAN, Peter T. - Masks of the Spirit - Image and Metaphor in Mesoamerica

MURRAY, Margaret Alice – The Witch Cult in Western Europe

RHYS, John – Celtic Folklore – Welsh and Manx

ROLLESTON, Thomas - Myths and Legends of the Celtic Race

SQUIRE, Charles - The Mythology of Ancient Britain and Ireland

STURLSON, Snorri - The Prose Edda

TACITUS – Germania

The Cloud of Unknowing (second edition), ed. by Evelyn Underhill

UNDERHILL, Evelyn - MYSTICISM – A Study in the Nature and Development of spiritual Consciousness

WILDE, Oscar - The Picture of Dorian Gray

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